Papers at Memrysis 2024
Kevin Porter and Till Zellweger shared their work on memristive devices last week at the Memrysis conference in Seoul, South Korea.
Graduation Fariba Karimi
Congratulations Fariba Karimi on defending her PhD thesis, titled "Computational Brain Modeling for Non-invasive Sensing and Stimulation"!
Papers at SC24
The Computational Nanoelectronics group presented two scientific applications this year at SC24 (Supercomputing)!
Graduation Christoph Weilenmann and Kevin Portner
Congratulations to Christoph Weilenmann and Kevin Portner on their successful PhD Defences!
Silver poster award at the CECAM 55th anniversary conference!
Congratulations to Virginie de Mestral for winning the silver poster award at the CECAM 55th anniversary conference held at EPFL, September 2-4 2024!